Welcome to the Marcy Admissions Data Challenge!
Congratulations! You’ve been invited to advance in the admissions process for Marcy’s 2025 Data Analytics Fellowship and complete our admissions data challenge. We’re proud of you for making it to this stage.
Our challenge is designed to help you self-assess how you feel about data analytics while also giving us a sense of how you orient to data, analyze information, and communicate insights. If you don’t have prior data analytics experience, don’t worry. We’ve designed this exercise so you can complete it successfully without prior experience and with the resources (this website’s tutorials, our office hours) we provide.
Allot 10-15 hours to complete and submit this challenge. If you already have data analytics experience, this may take less time. If you don’t have extensive data analytics experience, we recommend you allocate a full 15 hours to work on this challenge and plan to attend our office hours if your schedule permits.
Direct questions to admissions@marcylabschool.org. Otherwise scroll down to orient to the challenge and get started on your submission!
1. Getting Started
Before you begin working on your challenge, we’d like you to first review what you’ll be asked to submit (and how) and take a few baseline steps to set yourself up, administratively.
Please allot ~30-60 minutes to review this section and complete the requested tasks before you start working on your data challenge!
2. Data Challenges
Go to this section to access your admissions data challenges!
We can’t wait to review your submission and learn more about your approach.
Make sure to allocate enough time (10-15 hours) to complete and submit.
3. Supporting Resources & Tutorials
We’ve compiled a few resources and tutorials to support you in your efforts.
These are mostly centered in helping you effectively navigate Google Sheets and work with Pivot Tables.
Take note of our office hours, as outlined in this section, as well - these can be a great way to connect with us and get live support!